Diversity and Inclusion Book Club
All parents, caregivers, staff, and HV community members are invited to participate in Book Club via Zoom!
Book 1: "So You Want to Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo (WWU grad!)
Book 2: "Raising White Kids" by Jennifer Harvey
I'd like these discussions to be as accessible as possible, so please feel free to participate to whatever extent you wish (read an entire book or part of it, both books or just one; come to part of a discussion or stay for the whole time).
Specific discussion dates have not yet been set. If you are interested in discussing either book, please email Jason at jkanov@gmail.com by Wednesday, October 21st! Please include the following info (a) which book you would like to discuss (one or both) and (b) if you would like to borrow a copy of either book (supplies limited).