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Recent Posts

Helping Hands Thanksgiving Fund!!
The holiday season is upon us, and your help is needed. This time of year can be stressful and financially challenging for some of our...

Happy Valley Elementary Fundraising Pathways
In lieu of the Fun Run this year, there are still ways to raise money for our school! Please encourage grandparents and relatives to do...

Fall 2020 Enrichment Opportunities!
There are several local organizations hosting enrichment offerings this fall! Majestic Adventures/Adventure Quest: Fall session of...

Diversity and Inclusion Book Club
All parents, caregivers, staff, and HV community members are invited to participate in Book Club via Zoom! Book 1: "So You Want to Talk...

Diversity & Inclusion Book Discussion Opportunity
Diversity & Inclusion Book Discussion Opportunity Hi everyone. I hope that you all are staying safe and finding ways to navigate the...
Welcome 2020/2021 HV PTA Board Members!
2020/2021 Happy Valley PTA Board Members! President: Megan Wright Treasurer: Kayla Pegues Secretary: Julie Ross-Buckmaster Vice...

Order Your HV Yearbook!
Dear Happy Valley Families! It's YEARBOOK time! We're so EXCITED to announce that the Happy Valley Yearbook is ready for ordering. ...

Golden Acorn Recognition Award Nominations
Nomination for Golden Acorn Recognition Award The Golden Acorn Award is offered by the Washington State PTA for recognition of an...

Online Enrichment Opportunity
Our friends at Feral Felt, who hosted our Harry Potter after school enrichment programs at school in the past, will be offering an online...

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