Fun Run Goal Exceeded!!We are super excited to announce that not only was our donation goal of $21,000 met, but it was exceeded! Our awesome students raised a...
Ice Cream Social Fun Run CelebrationHappy Valley Elementary Ice Cream Social Thursday, October 27th 5:30pm-6:30pm. All Happy Valley students and families are welcome to...
Fun Run Information!The running is complete, but it isn't too late to talk to your friends and neighbors about donating for a great cause! Why: This is the...
Happy Valley Fun RunThe Happy Valley Fun Run will be held Friday, October 7th, 2016 at Sehome High School. Donation collection envelopes have been sent home...
Fun Run Volunteers Needed!!The Fun Run is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Your help is needed to make this year a success- we can't do it without you!! Find...