The running is complete, but it isn't too late to talk to your friends and neighbors about donating for a great cause!
Why: This is the only fundraiser of the year to support field trips, science fair, teacher classroom grants, special 5th grade celebrations, Mt. Baker Theater performances and so much more. Our goal this year is $21,000!
What You Need to Know
The white envelope your child brought home is VERY important. Please collect pledges from family and friends (online PAYPAL is available too: CLICK HERE).
All students MUST hand in the completed envelope (even is no pledges were made) between October 10th - October 27th. If all kids in the class bring in their envelope, the class has a pizza party. PLEASE return the envelope! Your child's class is depending on it!!
OCTOBER 27TH will be the last day to turn in envelopes at the ICE CREAM SOCIAL at Happy Valley (5:30-6:30PM) to celebrate. Prize drawings will be awarded! Raffle drawings will be pulled at 6PM. Your student does not need to be present to win.
Hope to see you there! We are still in need of volunteers for the Ice Cream Social. CLICK HERE to access our SignUpGenius!