The Happy Valley Fun Run October 7th.
The Fun Run is Happy Valley largest and most important fundraiser. This year the Fun Run will be held on Friday, October 7th. We have an immediate need for volunteers for this important event. Please contact Kendra Cook: if you are able to help in any way- big or small! You can also view a list of volunteer opportunity descriptions on the PTA Volunteer Form and the PTA Committee Descriptions Form
Remember this is our primary fundraiser for the entire school year and it helps fund all of the amazing activities, supplies, and events that the kids receive throughout the school year. Some examples of these are teacher grants, field trips to Mt. Baker Theater, school musical performances, Reflections, art instruction/materials for each child, science fair, weekly gardening and nutrition classes with our garden educator, spring fling, toys for indoor recess, 5th grade event, and yearbook. We need you to help provide these wonderful opportunities and supporting our Fun Run Fundraiser is by far the most direct way!