Happy Valley PTA Scholastic Book Fair
Happy Valley Scholastic Book Fair
Come one, come all to the book fair located in the Idea Lab
November 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th from 7:30AM-3:30PM.
If you are able to volunteer during these dates we would much appreciate your help. For more information and to sign-up visit:
If you cannot make it during these dates or if you prefer to shop online (more book selection) please know that we have an online book fair going on starting October 28th-November 10th. You can have the books sent to the school at no cost. Pass this web address on to family members😊
All proceeds will go to the Happy Valley Elementary library.
Our goal is $7,000. This goal will allow us to get $3500 back in books for the library!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Mrs. Stanton (Happy Valley Librarian)