Call for Cupcakes & Books!
Calling for Cupcake and Book donations for the Spring Fling! In previous years, the Cake Walk at our Spring Fling has been a hit with kids!
This year, we hope to offer winning walkers a CHOICE of prizes: a Cupcake OR a Book!
Please help make this popular activity successful by donating cupcakes and/or children's books in good condition. We depend entirely upon parent donations for the success of this event.
Please deliver cupcakes and/or books on the day of the event, June 2nd, either to the office during the school day or at 5:45pm to a volunteer at the Cake-Book Walk table at the front entrance.
Please label if your cupcakes address allergy needs: nut-free kitchen, no eggs, no gluten, no dairy, etc.
Thank you for your generosity!